Inkwizytor - 2007-11-13 11:14:36

Myslicie, ze damy rade polozyc nr 1 (przydaloby sie) ? moze nawet nr 2 ? Wiem, ze poki co nie farmujemy jeszcze Kara, nie jestesmy uber geared ani uber zgrani ale zawsze mozemy sprobowac naszych sil i dostac za to jakies epiki.
Btw. nareszcie cos w klimacie ZG ^^
Taktyka nie jest zbyt skomplikowana :

Nalorakk - Bear Avatar, 1st boss:

A 2 Phase fight:

First phase - Human form:

He does a random charge.
Mangle - Increases damage done by bleeds by 100%.

Second phase - Bear form:

Applies 2 different bleed effects.
Raid wide Silence - 4-5 seconds long, does approx 1k damage.

Phase 1 is simply tank and spank. Make sure to heal the random person charged.

Phase 2 have the 2nd tank taunt the boss and be careful of the cleave so make sure the raid is not next to where the 2nd tank is bringing the boss.

Dragonhawk Avatar - Boss #2

Dragonhawk Avatar

Stand on top of a pillar type room and there is two smaller platforms on each of his side every minutes or so he will call two hatchers who will go on the platforms and hatch the eggs. HE also teleports the whole group to his feet every so often (30 seconds i think ) and will throw balls of fire on the ground after 10 seconds ( i think ) these will explode and basically one shot anybody that is standing on top of any. Once you've pushed him through the 50 % mark he will enrage and deal 50 % more damage and attack 50 % quicker. When he's down to 30 % he will hatch all remaining eggs. He also has a fire breath that targets anybody in the raid and that hits everybody close to that target.


Just dps him, and when he calls the hatcher, we killed one and let the other one run off to the platform, basically let some of the eggs hatch ( and they spawn hatchlings with about 6k health ) and then kill the hatcher before the boss teleports you. Rinse and repeat 'till he's dead.

Oh, btw, he has a 10 minutes berserk timer !

Edit :
Loot (do sprawdzenia na wowhead).
1 boss :
1. Robes of Heavenly Purpose
2. Fury
3. Jungle Stompers
4. Pauldrons of Primal Fury
5. Fury of the Ursine
6. Mask of Introspection
7. Formula: Enchant Weapon - Executioner
8. Bladeangel's Money Belt
9. Life-step Belt

2 boss :
1. Signet of Ancient Magics
2. Mojo-mander's Mask
3. Akil'zon's Talonblade
4. Amani Punisher
5. Brooch of Nature's Mercy
6. Bloodstained Elven Battlevest
7. Pauldrons of Stone Resolve

Czyli w sumie calkiem interesujaco.

Thurlesman - 2007-11-27 10:10:29

No to ruszajmy zanim inni niewybija ich wszystkich i nic dla nas niezostanie :)) gogo rangers

kalimaas - 2007-11-27 13:03:45

moze pojdziemy dzisiaj,jak Prince szybko padnie...a padnie napewno :D

Khanador - 2007-11-27 15:07:38

Dzi¶ nie zapominajcie, że od 2 jest maintance serwerów... a od jutra sezon 3 :P
[offtopic] ale będzie lagowało w hall of the legends [/offtopic]

Gorax - 2007-11-27 16:35:38

Hehe :D no ja mam nadzieje, że dzi¶ odwiedzimy zul'aman : P i to będzie tuż po tym jak prince padnie ! : P

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